Everything you need to know about KAYAK
KAYAK is an online platform that is part of Booking Holdings and has been in operation since 2004, which provides its customers with a fast, easy and secure way through a search engine to track their travel destination whether it is for an airline ticket, hotel reservation, car rental, train or bus tickets, as well as package booking for tours and excursions. Through this search, customers are offered a variety of available offers from which the customer compares and analyzes the one that best suits their needs.
KAYAK popular destinations
Some of KAYAK's most popular destinations include Sao Paulo, Las Vegas, Lima, Orlando, Buenos Aires, New York, Cancun Japan, Honolulu, London, Miami, Chicago, England.
Benefits of using KAYAK
Among the benefits available on KAYAK are:
- Booking from the mobile app
- Destinations to any continent
- Easy, secure and fast cancellation of reservations
- Low price notifications
- Destinations available for any season of the year
Where, when and how to find KAYAK deals and sales
From its home page KAYAK offers its customers the different promotional offers available, as well as through its search engine selection, as well as special dates such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, 11-11, Christmas among many other dates where you can find great deals and discounts.
What deals you can find at KAYAK
Some deals available through the KAYAK search engine:
- 12 off flights to the UK
- 25 off flights from Madrid to Mallorca
- 20 off winter vacations in Paris
- 85 off aparthotel
- 20 off hotels in Madrid
KAYAK discount codes
KAYAK has the following discount codes available:
- 20% weekend promotional discount using the code BLACKFRIDAY
- 100 off cruise booking using code CRUCEROS2020
KAYAK new customer coupon
New KAYAK customers can book any of their options and save by taking advantage of the offers, promotions, discounts and coupons available.
KAYAK discount code for existing customers
For existing KAYAK customers, KAYAK offers savings with the following discount codes available:
- code BLACKFRIDAY 20% weekend promotional discount.
- code CRUISES2020100 discount for cruise booking
KAYAK Black Friday coupons and promotional offers
KAYAK on the Black Friday sales holiday offers its customers great discounts on a variety of destinations where you can enjoy great deals and discounts of up to 70% off.
KAYAK Cyber Monday coupons and promotional offers
For Cyber Monday, KAYAK offers a wide range of exclusive discounts offering its online customers destinations and places to enjoy with discounts of up to 65%, plus extra coupons for discounts starting at 5%.
KAYAK coupons and promotional offers for students
Students booking from the KAYAK platform can save by applying the promotions available on KAYAK.